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Thursday 28 February 2013


Hello gorgeous,

Every one wants to look young,beautiful and have a glowing skin,so im gonna share you few Home remedies to get a glowing skin in few weeks.

Beautiful skin:
To get a beautiful skin the best option is to work from inside.

1.Eating the right food at right time makes your skin more healthier than any medicine..Have a balanced diet which includes,raw fruits,fresh vegetables,green leaves.consume more carrot juice and orange juice,rich in vitamin C,keeps the skin youthful and glowing.
2.Drink plenty of water for a healthy is an organ  made up of multiple cells like any other organ.without sufficient amount of water the cells will not function properly,so the lack of hydration leads to dry skin,flaky and tight,which is prone to wrinkles,in order to avoid this drink plenty of water,which also helps to wash away the toxins and waste products from the body.which makes you get rid of pimples.

3.Avoid long hot shower,since hot showers strip away the moisture and wash all its protective oils from skin.limit your shower for 10 to 15 minutes by keeping your water cool.

DRY SKIN:Here are few tips to have a glowing skin,for people with dry skin.

1.ALOE VERA:Cut the end of fresh Aloe vera leaf,and cut it open,take out the fresh Aloe vera gel and apply it on your dry skin,the acids in Aloe vera gel will take away all the dead skin cells and speed up the healing process.

2.BANANA MASK:Mash a ripe banana and add 2tsp of honey to it and mix well.Apply this paste to your face and neck,wash off after 15 minutes with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel.

3.HONEY MASK:Apply honey with few drops of lemon mixed to your face,wash off after 15 minutes.honey works great to give a glowing skin.Lemons are rich in Vitamin C,which helps lighten the skin.its a great skin Astringent and helps remove tan.

4.TURMERIC:2tsp of turmeric powder mixed with few drops of lemon juice.apply on face and leave for 20 minutes.wash with tap water.

OILY SKIN:Excess oily oozes from the sebaceous gland giving an oily texture to the skin.Oily skin is porne to pimples,black heads and blemishes.

1. CUCUMBER: Mix 2tsp of cucumber juice with few drops of lemon juice and leave it on your face for 15 minutes and rinse off with water.

2. MULTANI MITTI: Or fillers earth is mixed with 1tsp of honey,let it remain for 15 minutes.wash your face with warm water.

3.YOGHURT: 4 tsp of yoghurt mixed with few drps of lemon,orange juice and carrot juice.Apply on face for 15 minutes.Wash with tap water.

follow these Home remedies to get a healthy glowing skin forever....

This post is an entry for StyleCraze “Share Your Knowledge” contest on

Saturday 16 February 2013


Hello every one,
Today im gonna reveiw this product of "ALOE VEDA".

Product description: This light after bath hand and body lotion is calming,soothing and generously loaded with naturally moisturising ingredientsAloe vera gel,cocoa powder,neem,tulsi extracts and almond oil that moisturise the skin,leaving it smooth and supple.contains sunscreen for outdoor protection and suits oily,dry and sensitive skin.

Price and quantity:Rs.275 for 300ml

My Experience: This lotion comes in a lengthy bottle as you can see.It absorbs quickly where ever you apply,its non greasy so that it doesnt give a dull look for your skin.It has a soft and creamy texture and gets moisturised well on skin.The lotion lasts almost 3to 5 hours.It has a good value,for its price.The fragrance is good but doesnt last longer.This lotion is highly recommended for every one.It suits for all types of skin,whether its oily or dry any type.

1.Its easy to apply,leaving the skin non greasy.
2.It comes with a sunscreen for out door protection.
3.long lasting.
4.softens the skin making it smooth.
5.Has no side effects.
6.worth for its price.

1.smells good but not great.
2.Its not easy to use.Inner tube gets blocked so that you have to open the knob and pour on your palm for using,and also looses its fragrance by doing that.

I highly recommend this product,you may understand the benefits of this product,once you buy it.

ofcourse it has been satisfying us to buy again,pls try this "ALOE VEDA",neem and tulsi hand and body lotion.

friends hope you enjoyed this lotion reveiw,pls dont forget to give your feed back.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Amazing tips

Hello friends,

Today im gonna discuss few,  ''Weight reducing tips''
Its painfull to stand in front of a mirror when you are over weight,people loose their confidence,there are many issues when it comes to weight loss.but no worries friends follow my blog to get easy tips for weight loss.
when i was discussing about weight loss,people were asking me for quick and easy ways to reduce weight.but it was very difficult to digest for them when i said that weight loss is not so easy as weight answer was to eat the healthy food at the right time,with adequate food will reduce your weight in an overnight,you will have to defenitely work out for the

1.Eat healthy food,healthy food are free from oil.they are the Green leafy vegetables.they are rich in fibre,and a main source of vitamins,minerals.
2.Eat Oats which is rich in fibre content,its a healthy breakfast,easily digested.
3.Beans are rich in fibre which helps you check blood sugar level.high fibre loers cholestrol.
4.Salads are rich in vitamin C,E,folic acid,lycopene and carotenoids,which helps to fight against fat deposit in your body.
5.Green tea,wow! its an excellent slimming tea contains anti oxidants which boost your metabolism and helps reduce body weight....

above are a few healthy foods to reduce weight.but friends,dont forget one thing,no food is considered to be healthy without exercise.

Along with your healthy food,exercise, follow these steps.....
1,drink plenty of water to keep your stomach full,so that you dont feel hungry very often.
2.getting boared with exercise no problem sweat out by playing a lot..ofcourse may be with your kids too... snacks but healthy ones only...

oooooooooops!  getting tired to follow the above tips,then i suggest you a good  idea.....
ok,i understand,if you are a good eater,you cannot stop yourself,then try gave good results,you will reduce upto 1kg/week.

1.If you are a good eater then eat more with regular intervals.
2.Donot drink water 1hour before or after your meals.
3.chew the food as much as possible,so that its easy for digestion and there is no extra fat deposited in your body.
4.Its very important that EAT ONLY WHEN HUNGRY,to ease your digestion.
 follow thes steps to get good results....

Saturday 9 February 2013

easy tips to care your hair

hello young ladies,iam going to write a blog about "HAIR CARE"

as a women we need to work a lot to keep our hair black,blond and beautiful.i had done enough research with home products.....few gave good results which i would love to share.

1.first step...take a few drops of coconut oil on your palm and apply it on your hair with gentle massaging.leave it on your hair for 30minutes and rinse of your hair with a shampoo,it has given me satisfying results,you will surely feel the difference in the very first touch.

2.secondly....consume more sprouts of green gram,brown chenna,which are rich in proteins and also green leafy vegetables,protein stimulates hair growth.. eat sprouts early morning dy adding few drops of lemon with salt and pepper to it.

3...third,drink plenty of water.....

these are my easy tips which i follow every day to take care of my hair

my mother

mother is a symbol of sacrifice.i could understand her love,affection,care towards children,everyhthing after i became a mother is the one most beautiful in this world.when i was writing this blog i had to recall my childhood memories which always tells me that mother means sacrifice any thing and every thing for their children.....
when i was a child i remember that,whenever we ask her to prepare one of our favourite dishes,my mother always transfers every thing to our bowls and keeping nothing for herself,when asked to share,she would simply say,"im not hungry".
when i was schooling,i had abad habit of keeping myself awake before my examination,my mother after spending her whole day with her busy work,had never slept before me.when i tell her "mom its too late,go to bed"she would say...."its ok,im not tired........"
whenever i cry when my mom gets hurt,my mom says ,"dont cry,its not paining"........
a mother spends her entire life for her children,she never shares her pain or worries with her chldren,because she alwayswant her children to be happy and keep smiling throughout their life....i always thank god for,MY MOTHER............who made my life more beautiful.........thank u mother...........

sweet lips

hello beauties, today iam gonna give you some amazing home remedies to care your lips.lips play a major role in our day to day life.they are the one to express you happiness,joy or smile whenever you are happy, healthy lips will add on beauty to your its always important to carry a beautiful smile,when i had to deeply discuss about this,i found few home remedies to give your lips a healthy and natural look.
1.first take 1taablespoon of beatroot juice and keep applying on your lips for few days,your lips may get its natural pink colour.or
2.extact the juice of corander leaves and keep applying on your lips before you go to sleep.or
3.apply fresh milk cream to get rid of dry lips.or
4.grind few rose petals along with milk and apply on your lips.or
4.apply butter every day.
follow these tips to make ypur lips healthy for a beautifui smile.........