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Saturday 9 February 2013

my mother

mother is a symbol of sacrifice.i could understand her love,affection,care towards children,everyhthing after i became a mother is the one most beautiful in this world.when i was writing this blog i had to recall my childhood memories which always tells me that mother means sacrifice any thing and every thing for their children.....
when i was a child i remember that,whenever we ask her to prepare one of our favourite dishes,my mother always transfers every thing to our bowls and keeping nothing for herself,when asked to share,she would simply say,"im not hungry".
when i was schooling,i had abad habit of keeping myself awake before my examination,my mother after spending her whole day with her busy work,had never slept before me.when i tell her "mom its too late,go to bed"she would say...."its ok,im not tired........"
whenever i cry when my mom gets hurt,my mom says ,"dont cry,its not paining"........
a mother spends her entire life for her children,she never shares her pain or worries with her chldren,because she alwayswant her children to be happy and keep smiling throughout their life....i always thank god for,MY MOTHER............who made my life more beautiful.........thank u mother...........


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