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Sunday 10 February 2013

Amazing tips

Hello friends,

Today im gonna discuss few,  ''Weight reducing tips''
Its painfull to stand in front of a mirror when you are over weight,people loose their confidence,there are many issues when it comes to weight loss.but no worries friends follow my blog to get easy tips for weight loss.
when i was discussing about weight loss,people were asking me for quick and easy ways to reduce weight.but it was very difficult to digest for them when i said that weight loss is not so easy as weight answer was to eat the healthy food at the right time,with adequate food will reduce your weight in an overnight,you will have to defenitely work out for the

1.Eat healthy food,healthy food are free from oil.they are the Green leafy vegetables.they are rich in fibre,and a main source of vitamins,minerals.
2.Eat Oats which is rich in fibre content,its a healthy breakfast,easily digested.
3.Beans are rich in fibre which helps you check blood sugar level.high fibre loers cholestrol.
4.Salads are rich in vitamin C,E,folic acid,lycopene and carotenoids,which helps to fight against fat deposit in your body.
5.Green tea,wow! its an excellent slimming tea contains anti oxidants which boost your metabolism and helps reduce body weight....

above are a few healthy foods to reduce weight.but friends,dont forget one thing,no food is considered to be healthy without exercise.

Along with your healthy food,exercise, follow these steps.....
1,drink plenty of water to keep your stomach full,so that you dont feel hungry very often.
2.getting boared with exercise no problem sweat out by playing a lot..ofcourse may be with your kids too... snacks but healthy ones only...

oooooooooops!  getting tired to follow the above tips,then i suggest you a good  idea.....
ok,i understand,if you are a good eater,you cannot stop yourself,then try gave good results,you will reduce upto 1kg/week.

1.If you are a good eater then eat more with regular intervals.
2.Donot drink water 1hour before or after your meals.
3.chew the food as much as possible,so that its easy for digestion and there is no extra fat deposited in your body.
4.Its very important that EAT ONLY WHEN HUNGRY,to ease your digestion.
 follow thes steps to get good results....

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